CPSC E-filing Beta Starts this Fall
The CPSC is committed to continuously improving its import surveillance process so that it may help reduce unreasonable risk of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products and help the agency maintain its standing as a leader in consumer product safety in an ever-expanding global marketplace.
In support of continuous improvement, the Office of Import Surveillance (EXIS) has begun the phased implementation of electronic filing (eFiling) of Certificates of Compliance (see graphic below) to modernize the way import data are processed. This allows importers of regulated consumer products to easily store and eFile certain certificate data via CPSC’s Partner Government Agency (PGA) Message Set.

Benefits of the CPSC eFiling system include:
- Fewer holds for compliant importers
- Reduction in risk score for demonstrated compliance with CPSC’s requirements
- Potentially shorter review periods
- Increased CPSC focus on higher risk products
The CPSC understands the trade industry’s key role in helping develop a successful eFiling system. As such, a Beta Pilot effort will launch in the fall of 2023 to test IT systems. This pilot will include up to 50 volunteer participants who will be asked to provide feedback to inform the system design and final rulemaking for the full implementation of the eFiling system.
This public-private partnership is essential to the successful implementation of eFiling. We have exceeded our minimum threshold of 30 participants, but there is opportunity for more importers to participate in CPSC’s pilot.
The CPSC will continue to communicate regularly through future newsletters, fact sheets, and other information that will be available via their eFiling website (www.cpsc.gov/efiling), social media channels (@USCPSC), and their mailing list.
What is the IT-DAG?
The Information Technology-Data Advisory Group (IT-DAG) is an industry working group established to advise on the development of systems and processes for CPSC’s eFiling implementation. The IT-DAG kicked off in December 2022 and has made great progress in reviewing and providing valuable input to the CBP and Trade Automated Interface Requirements (CATAIR) and IT system requirements. Below is a summary of IT-DAG activities and results over the past several months:
- Since December 2022, the IT-DAG has held six meetings where they reviewed and discussed the draft Beta Pilot CATAIR, the PGA Message Set, and the Product Registry.
- CPSC has highlighted system business rules and demonstrated functionality that supports entry and management of certificate data in the Product Registry database.
- Participants have been instrumental in providing valuable feedback to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the system design and functionality.
- The draft CATAIR has been updated, posted on www.cpsc.gov/efiling, and shared with IT-DAG participants as they begin their internal IT integration process, which will enable the electronic transmission of certificate data into the PGA Message Set.
- The IT-DAG will continue to meet and review Product Registry functionality. The public is welcome to attend IT-DAG meetings as a non-member in listen-only mode or preview meeting summaries on the docket.
For more information about the eFiling program, go to CPSC eFiling Website
Jacoby Solutions has been part of the IT-DAG team and will be part of the eFile beta via COMPLY PRO+