Seller Proof Of Compliance = Trade Show Sales Ready

January 4, 2022
All Baby & Child | ABC Kids Expo has partnered with Jacoby Solutions – Seller Proof of Compliance for a FREE Webinar series on Seller P.O.C. The goal is to help Trade Show exhibitors understand how to build out their compliance program with Seller Proof Of Compliance to have all the necessary elements to show Proof of Compliance to Amazon, major retailers, and regulatory bodies in markets where they currently sell or hope to sell in 2022! REGISTER HERE:
To ensure exhibitors have a successful Expo, ABC Kids Expo has partnered with Jacoby Solutions to help them prepare for the 2022 Show so that you have all the compliance requirements in place to show Proof of Compliance so you can expedite the onboarding process into new sales channels.
As product sellers expand into new markets and sales channels, they are confronted with new standards, regulations, and retailer requirements that may require new compliance processes. An effective compliance program improves your product’s quality and safety, broadens your product’s market, ensures compliance with regulations and laws, and can also help provide protection from future product liability issues.
By attending the Seller P.O.C. Trade Show Sales Ready webinar you will be able to:
- Realize that proof of compliance is more than a test report and a CPC.
- Understand how a formal compliance program adds value to your company brand.
- Know the major elements of a consumer product safety compliance program
- Conduct a compliance census for your company so you know where you stand and can identify areas in need of improvement.
- Develop corrective action plan to Be Trade Show Sales Ready ASAP, so you can align upcoming production to meet major retailer requirements.
- Adapt your documents to be one size for proof to all.
We also will provide a state of compliance enforcement update so you:
- Prepare for the new aggressive enforcement stance of the CPSC at the ports.
- Understand the Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 Market Surveillance law that went into effect July 16, 2021.
- Know about Authorized Representative requirement for the EU and UK
- Can plan for implementation of the UKCA mark on your products that goes into effect Jan 1, 2023.
Covid has disrupted the supply chain for everyone, everywhere. How do you know that the products you tested 8 months ago are still compliant with the current shipment? If you are planning to expand to new channels at the ABC Kids Expo, you need to plan now so your upcoming production meets the requirements of your targeted sales channels.
ABC Kids Expo will Offer a Series of Webinars ahead of the show with topics such as: “Preparing for Day 1 as a first-time exhibitor.”-“Selling in the EU and UK, Understanding CE / UK CA Marking and new harmonized enforcement law.” “Selling on Amazon / Instituting a Quality Program to ensure great reviews”. and ” How to use technology for better Customer Service and Warranty” Support
About Jacoby Solutions
Complete Compliance with an Eye on Business Transformation!
Jacoby Solutions is a brand protection consulting practice specializing in helping companies achieve operational readiness for ongoing CPSIA and CPSC required compliance via improved process and systems. A one-stop shop for manufacturing, distributors, and Amazon sellers in need of a partner who can help them evolve their business while keeping an eye on compliance, Jacoby Solutions saves companies time and resources by helping them develop compliance related standard operating procedures in all areas from manufacturing and distribution to supply chain management and customer service.
Jacoby Solutions is a CPSC approved Product Safety Coordinator and since 2011, we have been helping companies with CPSIA, implementing compliance programs, and implementing technology to help companies centralize their compliance activities and reduce their risk.